Connecting Song to a Score Server

Song requires an object storage backend to store data files. A Score server must be configured for use with Song. Score can interact with any S3 API compatible backend, including AWS, Azure, and MinIO.

Song server MUST be pointed to a Score storage backend. Once your score server is ready, you will be able to connect it to your song configuration.

Configuration Example

Using the configurations file at song-server-[version]/conf/application.yml, set the correct values.

  • score: The score section is required and contains the connection details to the score-server. Input the score-server URL and an API Key that has both upload and download permission scopes. An API Key is owned by a user and has an expiry, so will need to be updated regularly.
  • score-client-credentials: The score-client-credentials profile is optional, and contains the connection details to the score-server to be authentication though JWT instead of API Key. If this profile is enabled, the default configurations defined in score will be overwritten.
accessToken: "ad83ebde-a55c-11e7-abc4-cec278b6b50a "
url: "http://localhost:8087"
active: "score-client-cred"
spring.profiles: score-client-cred
url: "http://localhost:8087"
id: <client id from Ego>
secret: <client secret from Ego>
tokenUrl: http://ego-api:8080/oauth/token
systemScope: "score.WRITE" # Storage scope needs to include both READ and WRITE