Integrating Your App

After Elasticsearch and the Arranger Admin UI are properly configured, you can finally integrate your UI application (e.g. data portal).

The key browser-side packages used by Arranger are the @arranger/admin-ui and @arranger/components packages:

  • @arranger/admin-ui: This package provides the admin UI for content administration
  • @arranger/components: This package provides UI components that are pre-configured to work with the Arranger server API

Both packages are written in React, and hence we highly recommend that you develop your UI app in React for the most seamless integration.

Integrating Admin UI with Your React App

To integrate the admin UI with your React app:

  1. Install the admin UI package:
npm i @arranger/admin-ui
  1. Import & add the following to your app code:
import ArrangerAdmin from '@arranger/admin-ui/dist';
import { Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
const ArrangerAdminPage = () => (
<ArrangerAdmin basename="/admin" apiRoot="http://localhost:8000" fetcher={fetch} />
  1. Modify these configurations if required:
basenameTells Arranger Admin to treat /admin as the root path for client-side routing.
apirootTells Arranger Admin where to communicate with the backend API.
fetcherAllows you to specify a custom data fetcher to use. Can be useful for integrating custom client-side login or authorization logic. It must implement the Fetch API.

Examining a Sample Portal Implementation

The code for a very basic sample portal implementation can be examined with the @arranger/components package, to guide you in your development.

From your arranger project directory:

  1. Install required dependencies:
npm ci && npm run bootstrap
  1. Navigate to the modules/components/stories directory:
cd modules/components
  1. Start the Storybook server:
npm run storybook
  1. You can now examine the components via Storybook. The actual code for the basic portal implementation can be examined in this file: arranger/modules/components/stories/Portal.js.