Arranger needs the correct Elasticsearch credentials to access the ES cluster. During installation, the username and password are defaulted to elastic
and myelasticpassword
, respectively.
However, if these values need to be changed, they can be modified prior to deploying the ES service, by updating Arranger's Makefile
in an editor and look for the #Variables
section:# VariablesROOT_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))RETRY_CMD := $(ROOT_DIR)/scripts/retry-command.shPROJECT_NAME := $(shell echo $(ROOT_DIR) | sed 's/.*\///g')DOCKER_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/dockerES_DATA_DIR := $(DOCKER_DIR)/elasticsearchES_LOAD_SCRIPT := $(ES_DATA_DIR)/load-es-data.shES_USERNAME := elasticES_PASSWORD := myelasticpasswordES_BASIC_AUTH := $(shell echo -n "$(ES_USERNAME):$(ES_PASSWORD)" | base64)
Modify the ES_USERNAME
to the credentials of your choice.
Run installation per the instructions here.