
Arranger needs the correct Elasticsearch credentials to access the ES cluster. During installation, the username and password are defaulted to elastic and myelasticpassword, respectively.

However, if these values need to be changed, they can be modified prior to deploying the ES service, by updating Arranger's Makefile:

  1. Open the Makefile in an editor and look for the #Variables section:
# Variables
ROOT_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
RETRY_CMD := $(ROOT_DIR)/scripts/
PROJECT_NAME := $(shell echo $(ROOT_DIR) | sed 's/.*\///g')
DOCKER_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/docker
ES_DATA_DIR := $(DOCKER_DIR)/elasticsearch
ES_USERNAME := elastic
ES_PASSWORD := myelasticpassword
ES_BASIC_AUTH := $(shell echo -n "$(ES_USERNAME):$(ES_PASSWORD)" | base64)
  1. Modify the ES_USERNAME and ES_PASSWORD to the credentials of your choice.

  2. Run installation per the instructions here.